Ode to Neoliberal Eurowhite Elites, West and East, North and South

Where did you blow it?

1 Where you labeled unaccountable rule by a bunch of half-dead octuagenerians in the state socialist “bloc” as “the Left”, stifling the possibility of a global left position to evolve a meaningful, universal critique of the world order of the Cold War?

2 Where you banned, by implicit, informal means (remember, as with Bourdieu, “the most powerful forms of ideological effect are those which need no words, but merely a complicitous silence”), all left critique, North to South, East to West?

3 Where you forcibly married the time-honored, albeit overhyped, idea of liberalism with an extremely vulgar kind of global neoliberalism, and you called it “the future?”

4 Where you reduced society either to “the market” or “the white nation,” or both?

5 Where you accepted and machine-produced the master-slave / lord-serf relationship as the foundational cultural pattern of economy, politics and culture?

6 Where you cut language down to the point where it is nothing but barks, (c)licks and tail wagging?

7 Where you transformed all institutions of culture and education into a “wellness” hotel for pigs grown fat on other people’s toil?

8 Where you made notions of art(ist), aesthetics, morality and goodness into slurs / butts of jokes?

9 Where you argue that the selling of other people’s twelve-year-old children as sex tools is “legit business as usual?”

10 Where you secured all fruits of liberty, equality and fraternity for yourselves, while spitting on everybody else’s search for the same?

11 Where you think you will be “white men,” demanding every position of privilege for yourself, either through “the market” or “the nation” or both?

12 Where you convinced yourselves that it could be a sensible and morally acceptable “goal” to be(come) “(euro)white men?”

13 Where you believed that nature must be subdued?

14 Where you defined “the good life” as the trinity of bier, football and porn?

15 Where you gather in exclusive, aristocratic salons to decide what the people should do for you, to secure your un-earned privileges and undeserved prestige?

What's the plan now that planet Earth is in revolt?


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