
Showing posts from 2010

Review of the Book

How Many Worlds?

Further to IMF Restructuring

Restructuring IMF Decision Making

France vs Romania and Bulgaria, Take Two

France and Romania

"Asian" Giants Decoupling from "the West"?

Soros, Temasek Buy into Indian Stock Exchanges

Offended, the EU Marches Out -- It Seems

Fragility of Financial Institutions

Global public data in reasonably user-friendly form

"Transatlantic Cooperation"


Greece Crisis Brings Elasticity of Weight under Pressure

Angus Maddison

IMHO, News of the EU's Death Is Grossly Exaggerated (although we should always listen carefully to George Soros)

Demand Dignity

To Bail or Not To Bail

Indo-EU Summit language

A German-Greek Dialogue, Of Sorts

Once Liberal Netherlands Might Have Extreme-Rightist-Led Government?

China (!) is considering rail-links to EU

Women in Parliament


a little inconsistency, here and there

EU colonies


Barroso waxes world-historic