Eastern Europe's Never Ending, Forever Losing Game of Eurowhiteness

The EU is working!
Bulgarian football "fans" have apparently learned how to be racist pigs. They of course acquired those skills, at least partly, from their west European--including, notably, British--counterparts. Now that they applied that treatment to the English national team in Sofia, the jingoistic segment of the UK media is going to town on them. Here is a literal quote: "England 6 - Racists 0."
So, here we have a key function of a collective east European "us" in "Europe": to show up "Europe's" ugliest Eurowhite face, with its grotesque, unsupportable, genocidal features in full display, so "the West" can despise, fear and hate itself through it (without any actual negative consequences to itself of course).
Eastern Europe as a whole (see above: "Racists 0") will be humiliated, despised and, lo and behold, racially inferiorized, again, for having bought into the sins of whiteness, sins the west invented and propagated for centuries, sins the west can neither forgive itself, nor atone. And what are east European racists doing this for? They don't even know. Haven't quite figured it out yet. A few crumbs, perhaps. Or just for the pleasure of the simulacrum, like collecting empty alcohol bottles.
And of course they are doing this because that--"learning from the west"--is what their impressively educated "elites" have been teaching them for centuries now.
As for east European racists, they keep playing the "game" of insisting on their own extreme Eurowhiteness, like the proverbial crowd in East Germany in the early nineties, crying to the west: "We Are One Folk!" To which of course the western Eurowhite subject shouts, in perfect unison, (just like the apocryphal West German subject in the nineties): "So Are We!"
Nobody who has ever tried it has won that game. That of course does not stop eastern Europe to keep trying, forever.
Those of us having other -- say, more complex -- thoughts and, god forbid, progressive ideals, we of course will be ignored, laughed at and destroyed by the two apparently opposing sides, in perfect unison. Just like always.
I can almost hear the Bulgarian racists chanting the Ode to Joy, the supranational anthem of the EU.
For more on the travails of / troubles around east European 'whiteness', see this paper.


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