Here's my stylized situation report for those who don't follow "politics" in the declining global hegemon closely. This one is not about the global consequences--which will be plenty, and disastrous--but the situation "inside" the borders, as a result of the impending, legally enacted, full fascist takeover of the USA.
At this point the entire political context is in a state of nervous shock. Those who hear bits and pieces of the news, are trying desperately to "prepare" for the blows are coming. Not blows of hurricanes or other "meteorological" catastrophes. Human made blows.

To start with, nobody has any idea what will happen. An entire society is getting really, really jittery based on the more or less random, almost entirely improvised, media utterances by a certifiable . . . no, strike that, certified psychopath (let alone an indicted and convicted federal felon). Reading tea leaves . . . about the kind of dystopia that will descend on society.
  • University unions are preparing for the coming destruction of the federal Department of Education, not to mention a host of research agencies and development funds that have, for their entire histories, flown to them from the federal government, resulting in the sweeping removal of some of the income streams that universities' entire existence is based on, leading to imminent, massive lay-offs, a catastrophic collapse of the research infrastructure, down to the point of rendering even their buildings unsuitable for human presence,
  • social science and humanities departments are awaiting their imminent, malign closure or, at least, the total, across-the-board disappearance of all job opportunities for their graduating PhD-s, the impending removal of all PhD-funding, i.e., an abrupt end to research and high-level instruction,
  • people who might keep their jobs but won't be able physically to access their workplace because of the imminent withdrawal of federal funds that maintain the road, railroad and air travel infrastructure of the country,
  • consumers of basic necessities (i.e., the entire society) who will not have access to the imported food and other items they rely on, simply because of the hysterical price jumps due to import tariffs in an already highly overpriced "market," especially in the organic and "healthy" (read: not immediately destructive of your physical body) segment,
  • homeowners who are just realizing, as we speak, that there is no way for them to afford repairs to their buildings--repairs that cannot wait any more (a vast majority of construction materials is imported from Canada, i.e., timber, etc., to be hit by a 25% tariff), leading to mass "fire sales," depressing possibly the entire housing market, and a reduction of the quality of life for a large part of society, especially the working class and the lower segment of the middle-income petty bourgeoisies,
  • seniors whose retirement pensions come, in part--in most cases, the larger part--from social security that will now be "privatized" (i.e., stolen), whose health insurance depends on medicare that now be "privatized" (i.e., stolen) . . . NOTE for those outside the USA: remember, there is no state-provided health system in the US, other than medicare and veterans' benefits.

And those are just a few of the consequences that I (along with hundreds of millions of US residents) can think of. There are many, many others that my (their) intellect cannot fathom. Not yet. We might not even notice some of them--before they come to get us. To kill us. Or "just" to enslave us, the genuine dream of fascist turbo-capitalism.

And I haven't even mention the real possibility that the 2024 election was the last time it was possible even to vote. Don't look at me strangely. Creep1 actually announced it. And a majority of the voters--voted for it.

An entire society has crapped their pants. Nobody talks about what will happen to those at the bottom of the income ladder, those less educated, the less privileged, those with smaller or non-existent informal social networks to rely on. Those dependent on federal funds, from veterans to the chronically ill, from those addicted to a whole slew of chemical substances to those who are unable to support themselves "on their own" simply because of demographic factors (i.e., they are too young or too old). Recent immigrants who are just learning how to survive in the new environment.
An entire high-modernist, and extremely belligerent, violence-admiring society--one that has throughout its relatively brief history portrayed itself as the embodiment of progress, liberty and justice, one that has a near-total social saturation with lethal weaponry (and we are not even talking about those stored in federal, state and local storage depots, which could presumably open at a moment's notice, as they do during times of unrest)--is sitting, pants crapped, staring into thin air.

Assessing their options.



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